Friday 4 June 2004

the beginning of the end? | metafilter debunks

# June 8-9 Dust Cloud begins to reach the Earth and darkening of the skies.
# June 18-20 1st impact
# June 24-25 2nd impact
# June 27-28 3rd impact of the "anomaly"
"...our sun's orbital velocity relative to galactic center is 19.4 km/s in the direction l(ii)=51 degrees, b(ii)=23 degrees from "local standard of rest"... I don't know what that is, I wish an astrophysicist or orbit specialist would come in here to help... the 23 degrees number bothers me, because 23 degrees is exactly the amount that the earth's North/South (rotational) axis is inclined to the plane of the Ecliptic; Aussie's rants swear loudly that the danger is coming from "DUE SOUTH" as observed in our sky from the ground. It seems somehow possible that our South Pole is currently pointing directly along the Sun's projected orbit in space?

Of course it's more than equally possible that a mad hoaxer seized on that 23 degrees number to spook me and others. ;)"
posted by zoogleplex
typical chicken little republicans... their administration starts to fall apart & they run around screaming "The Sky Is Falling!"


hoax. more obvious when you realize the initial reports mention grovers mill

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