Thursday 22 July 2004 interviews Donald Michael Kraig

A few years ago, a person asked me if I ever thought about what it would be like 50 years from now when people were still reading MM and seeing it on the same level as Crowley, Regardie, et al. My first response was, "I hope not!" MM speaks to certain people in a certain way at a certain time. I actually hope that someone will write something that will appeal to future generations in a way that is superior to MM and that my book becomes thought of as "Oh yeah, we used to read that years ago."
I truly believe that we must evolve or die. This goes for magick, too. Modern Magick was about what people are doing in this cycle of time. In the future, there will be new needs and new approaches. I hope somebody will write that book to indicate how magick has evolved.
(good questions)

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