Monday 8 November 2004

PORE Public Orgonomic Research Exchange

from the site:
Orgonomy is a science created by Dr. Wilhelm Reich who lived in Austria, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, New York, and finally Rangeley, Maine from 1944-1957 until his death. Orgonomy covers many topics but begins with the theories of neurosis in humans as they are related to the natural flow of life energy being blocked in the body by traumatic experiences in life. Many also caused sexual impotency. Dr. Reich worked closely with Sigmund Freud during this work and the results are written in his books "The Function of the Orgasm - 1927" and "Character Analysis - 1933". Vegetative-therapy (Reichian therapy) was developed and created by Dr. Reich in the 1920's to 1930's and it is used in part by many of the current therapies practiced today such as gestalt therapy, bioenergetics, rolfing therapy, and primal scream therapy to name a few. His study of neurosis was applied to the masses in his work "The Mass Psychology of Fascism - 1933", "People in Trouble - 1936" and also in his books titled "The Invasion of Compulsory Sex-Morality - 1931", "The Sexual Revolution- 1935", "The Murder of Christ - 1951" and "Listen Little Man -1948". His work continued in the area of "The Bion Experiments" -- creation of life from inorganic matter. "His work continued with further studies into orgone energy (also known as chi, prana, and other eastern names). Wilhelm Reich performed several scientific experiments that objectified the presence of orgone energy - "The Cancer Biopathy - 1948". Many of his articles were written in journals including "Annals of the Orgone Institute", "International Journal of Sex-Economy and Orgone Research", "Orgone Energy Bulletin", and "Core" (Cosmic Orgone Engineering).......... as well as the book "Ether God and Devil / Cosmic Superimposition - 1951". He created instruments to accumulate orgone energy (orgone accumulators which speeded up natural healing of the body). He experimented with the reaction of orgone energy with nuclear radiation "The Oranur Experiment - 1951" which demonstrated the significant health dangers of low level radiation. He also created instruments that could return self-regulation to weather (the cloud buster) "Contact With Space - 1957". He did research on the source of ufo's energy, and discovered a motor force from orgone energy. He should be remembered most for his work for children. Through the entire period from the 1920's through the 1950s , he advocated for natural child-birth, natural parenting, self-regulation and for the sexual rights of youth and adults.

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