"Tisquantum, who we know as 'Squanto,' was an amazing man. American schoolchildren are taught that he was a simple Indian who befriended the Pilgrims, but in fact he was nothing of the sort. Tisquantum was captured and enslaved, and taken to Europe, where he learned English and European ways. After his first enslavement and return to America, he was captured and enslaved again, to be sold in Spain. He was rescued by some Spanish friars who took control of the slaves and tried to convert them to Christianity. After four years and at least one aborted journey, Tisquantum made his way back to America, only to discover that his entire family and village, everyone he knew, had been killed by a plague, probably smallpox."
Saturday, 28 November 2009
Monday, 23 November 2009
Sunday, 22 November 2009
Cymatics Om
"Amongst his more amazing findings was the discovery that when AUM is sounded the shape produced is that of the ancient symbol for AUM (the Sri Yantra). This suggests that the ancients knew something! Perhaps when sounding in meditation, the vibration created the form in their minds. Hebrew, Sanskrit, Egyptian and Tibetan are generally considered to be sacred languages, that have the power of shaping reality. This suggests that by sounding sacred texts, by singing sacred vowels, our cells resonate into a more coherent shape, in which our energies are synchronised with those of God / Universe / Source."

cymatic-created sri yantra (top), compared to the traditional design (bottom)

Sri Yantra
"Barbara Hero has demonstrated a similar effect of harmonics using a laser and scanner system. Barbara placed a mirror under a speaker system which vibrated the mirror when two different frequencies were created. She then projected a laser at the mirror and the laser was reflected on to a screen, revealing the images created by the sounds. Barbara found that those intervals which were created by the harmonic series created shapes which were geometrically perfect. These shapes, such as a circle, remained stationary as long as the intervals were sounding. Intervals which were not harmonically related created shapes that were not geometrically perfect and their shapes decayed."
Thursday, 19 November 2009
Infictive - We can database the youth, most certainly
Canada Immigration Discussion Forum - immigration question
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Monday, 16 November 2009
Saturday, 14 November 2009
Friday, 13 November 2009
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Sunday, 8 November 2009
where I grew up 'aviator lane'
View Larger Map aviator lane came into existence because we put the sign there. now it's searchable on google maps
Saturday, 7 November 2009
Friday, 6 November 2009
Thursday, 5 November 2009
The Most Powerful Book In The World
- 000. Dedications
- 00. Forward by Taylor Elwood
- 0. Introduction by Joseph Matheny
The Art of Memetics:
Follow this book on Twitter: @ArtOfMemetics
Part 1: Memetics in Theory and Practice
1 Evaluating Tools
2 Agency in a Networked World
3 Mind/Body/Bricolage
4 Belief as a Meta-Condition: Paradigm and Brand
5 Meta-Biological Organisms
6 Becoming What You Do
7 Memetic Ecology in Action
8 Effectively Transmitting
Nov. 5th Terrorism at Fort Hood
Gunmen have killed seven people at the Ft. Hood Army post in Killeen, Texas. According to reports cited by Fox News, there were...
The U.S. Army has closed its massive Army base at Fort Hood, Texas, amid reports that several people have been shot and killed...
At least seven people are dead and 12 wounded in a shooting at Fort Hood in Texas, the base's public affairs office told...
MSNBC just reported 19 people have been shot... Details have not been released but it is known that ambulances and police are converging on...
MSNBC reports 1 gunman in custody, at least 1 gunman still at large... We've learned an incident has taken place at the sports dome,...
Killer Apps for Microsoft Surface
"Microsoft's interactive table, dubbed Surface, brings the heady dream of interactive computing closer to reality. As developers find ways to make Surface's gorgeous multi-user interface shine, more and more companies are turning to the device to reinvent their customer experience. Here is a list of the Surface apps already in use, and a few that are coming soon."
Amnesia Razorfish - Staff Directory on Surface from Razorfish - Emerging Experiences on Vimeo.
Stimulant: ToneGrid from Stimulant on Vimeo.