Wednesday 21 July 2010


there both are and are not
and it is obvious

and there are both those and they aren't

they don't can't won't
betwixt and between, bell, book and candle gleam
a shadowy presence, felt but deceived - left

and in leaving, ceases to be: a figure
obvious, in its passing - a dream
left glimpsed by in between eyes, faces surprised

to learn better. We are thoughts, concretized - brought
from the lies, to a space where the world can be solid

and while though squalid, the worlds
we've demolished in two hours drinking
critiqueing and calling - paint faces on beings,
seme intro to seeking, grant tutor and pupil both byways to chunnel
deeper the funnel, past square compass and circle, and media
must be moving
to capture

There in the wild, the folklore is mild,
no obvious symbols for unfettered narrative to adhere
but queer, still, outlier to deny, it is cadence in pace with one's steps..

demand papers at border, defend these the warriors
and boot knife to eyelid we stand - faceless the machinations caste
racial divisions deeper thoughtless the reasons our flag would demand

still roll back the shelter, and fill up the cupboard, and plot
each new gravesite with combat unmanned - drone skyline with lasers
burn pilots from sensors, klaxons and sirens to man battle stations
seven rays and council of nine bring round in full time the true layered in fiction
outside of the mind

this is not a plot of inception
waylaid all things are thought once and will be again
tragic the narrative where the created meets the creator and does nothing
tragic still the dance of the created to the narrator's demands

the curator presented with a fragment
uncovers the whole - and exposure, though thought naught but rot,
leaves fall, and there a pearl forgot

a magnet - called, called hard, and sought
most precious - things designed to last
to gracefully degrade
leave texture

in it's wake

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