Tuesday 9 November 2004

liz greene | fragments on Mary/Aphrodite

I think bastart's onto something. check this:
The 'good' end of the anima is the spiritual dimension of the woman, which is not incompatible with erotic feeling but which lifts consciousness out of its mundane rut and into a deepening and widening. The most transpersonal figure in our era for this pole of the axis is the figure of Mary. Wisdom and compassion belong to this pole of the axis. Another, older image for this inspiring face of the feminine is the postive face of Aphrodite, who brings sexual joy and opens the heart to beauty and grace...
we're definately missing beauty & grace in our culture
The dark or negative pole of the anima axis is the siren, who lures the ego down into chaos and madness and disintegration. Here the inspiration is worked through enchantment and seduction rather than through love and joy, and the result is the destruction of life rather than the expansion of it...
Mary is lopsided, in the sense that she has no erotic dimension. I am sure this has been a collective problem, ever since we got rid of foam-born Aphrodite. Mary embodies many positive functions of the anima, as spiritual guide and intercessor, and as the compassionate intermediary between humanity and the remoteness of God. The only trouble with Mary is that she has no body. Then all the sexuality drops down to the negative pole of the axis, to the siren who lures men to destruction....
To be spiritual and sexual at the same time is a big mouthful for the ego to swallow, and yet on the archetypal level there is no conflict. And it is completely indigestible if the ego is entrenched in a set of collective values which declare the twain shall never meet.

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