Sauget, IL (near St Louis, MO) Friday 22 October 2004yeesh that's 8 hours away.
KC show, please? Or better yet, Lawrence
Sauget, IL (near St Louis, MO) Friday 22 October 2004yeesh that's 8 hours away.
people will lose focus on them self when something else sets a new example for them to observe. And even though at the point of this new discovery people feel as though they make their own decisions about what they want, usually they are only deciding between the new and old distractions and persuasions that they have so far payed attention to. kitty meow
All things move and act because their animating forces give them the power to do so. In the native worldview, no distinction is made between symbolic and physical effects or between psychological and medicinal causality. All significant actions are the result of animating forces at work. The forces are exist in a hierarchy of power with the sun and moon at the top and stones on the bottom. The animating forces of humans are in between these two extremes. Humans have total power over stones, which have no animating force, but no power to change the motion of the sun or stars, which have powerful animating forces. Humans dominate animals. Beings that are more powerful dominate humans.
Traditional shamans are able to see and manipulate the animating forces. Although this concept also lies behind the work of curandero shamans, the traditional shaman seek knowledge of the forces.
A shaman must be a strong person physically and spiritually. Each of the four informants I worked with considers himself a survivor of innumerable encounters with black shamans or with evil spirits. Very often these struggles take place during sleep. The shaman will dream that he is attacked. If he loses the combat, he may never wake up, or will be badly hurt. One of the functions of the diet is to make a person strong. And the constant use of tobacco has a similar function, the smoke of the plant being a strong defense against evil people, Yacuruna, Chullachaqui and bad spirits.
Arkarta in the Quechua language means "defense" (J. Szeminski, pers. commun.). I questioned each of my four informants about their arkana. Don Jose told me about four of them: huairamanda arhana, yahtamanda arhana, yahumanda arhana and meolinamanda arhana. Huairamanda arhana is a hurricane which will blow away his enemies. The other three are defenses against enemies coming from the earth, water and air. He describes them as darts which were given to him by his murraya or spirits. On the other hand these spirits guard the place where he is taking ayahuasca.
Don Celso, when curing serious cases of witchcraft, surrounds himself with all his defenders. These are animals representing air, water and earth; the condorpischu, a little white bird with a red neck, will fly around his head. A lion will be on his right shoulder, a black panther on his left shoulder and an elephant in front of him. To defend him from enemies of the water he is surrounded by a mermaid, a naca-naca (Micrurus sp., a poisonous snake), a white eel and a lobo marino or nutria. A shushupi (bushmaster), another very poisonous snake, will be around his neck, with its head beside his mouth. His last defense if he is in great danger is a school of piranhas, small voracious fish that will devour his enemies.
Don Emilio, when taking ayahuasca, places four angels armed with swords in the four corners of his home. His personal defenses are a little bird that will alert him in case a witch is approaching, a black bull and a huge winged Brazilian black man with daggers in his hand and belt, who will follow the bad spirits and shut them in dark tunnels in the Andean mountains.
Don Alejandro also places four guardians around him. These are the "mother" of four trees and they are armed with guns. In case of great danger he has another weapon impossible to resist: a war airplane, that will bomb and destroy his enemies. When I questioned him as to how he acquired such a weapon from the spirits, he told me that he could not answer. It was a "professional secret".
Under the leadership of Jerry Falwell and other "rapture" advocates, the Moral Majority movement attracted the political involvement of tens of thousands of conservative pastors and churches never before in the political process, Jewett said...
Some rapture theology teaches that "the apocalyptic end of world history is predetermined by God in our time," Jewett noted. "Consequently, there is nothing we can do to avert it.
"In this view, peacemaking is both futile and sinful, and all efforts to promote international cooperation are inspired by Satan. Every compromise with our adversaries is viewed as a betrayal of divine trust. Every effort to achieve arms control and to reduce the danger of accidental nuclear wars is a sellout to the demonic powers.
"Similarly, efforts to deal with pollution or global warming are seen as futile and counterproductive [because the end is near]. While rapture advocates don't wish to promote a holocaust or a global ecological crisis, they are convinced God wills it and thus there is absolutely nothing humans can do to stop these dangers. (source)
Legal Info - Your title with Beer Church is honorary. If you have been ordained by both Beer Church and the Universal Life Church (, you will be able to legally perform marriage ceremonies in most (if not all) of the United States. You should visit the ULC Web site for more details. Getting ordained by the Universal Life Church is very, very easy. When you perform a marriage, the minister is responsible for certain legalities. Make sure you understand them and follow through. Also, advice you give as a minister is different than what you give as a friend. You may be liable for the effects of your advice. Remember this, your ordination from Beer Church alone does not legalize you as a minister. You must go to and complete the process of becoming a legally ordained minister (become ordained by us and them). Beer Church accepts no responsibility for what you do as a minister. It is up to you to know and understand the laws that govern whatever ceremonies you perform or counseling you provide.
Associating Tesla with the Tunguska event comes close to putting the inventor's power transmission idea in the same speculative category as ancient astronauts. However, historical facts point to the possibility that this event was caused by a test firing of Tesla's energy weapon.
In 1907 and 1908, Tesla wrote about the destructive effects of his energy transmitter. His Wardenclyffe facility was much larger than the Colorado Springs device that destroyed the power station's generator....
He seems to confess to such a test having taken place before 1915, and, though the evidence is circumstantial, Tesla had the motive and the means to cause the Tunguska event. His transmitter could generate energy levels and frequencies capable of releasing the destructive force of 10 megatons, or more, of TNT. And the overlooked genius was desperate.
The nature of the Tunguska event, also, is consistent with what would happen during the sudden release of wireless power.
published in 1847 by William Pickering and printed by Chiswick Press. This press has been called by Ruari McLean, a well known author of books on printing and typography, the foremost name in Victorian book design and synonymous with good typography and printing throughout the [Victorian] period. Chiswick Press was operated by Charles Whittingham, nephew of its founder, and Pickering and Whittingham collaborated in a number of innovative publications around that time. Pickering was particularly known for elegant title pages.via mefi
McLean calls Byrne's book one of the oddest and most beautiful books of the century. It was one of a very small number of British books displayed at the Great Exhibition of 1851 (no surprise, perhaps, since Whittingham was on one of the Juries of the exhibition). McLean goes on to say The result is a decided complication of Euclid, but a triumph for Charles Whittingham. Whether or not Byrne's efforts complicate or simplify Euclid is an interesting and debatable point. Parts of Byrne's attempt to design `colour-coded' mathematical proofs are more successful than others, but it is our hope that even the less successful parts can serve as themes for discussion if not models for imitation.
These are some of the central principles, or working hypotheses, or presuppositions, which underlie NLP and which form an essential part of the `NLP attitude’.
Meet people in their own unique model of the world - and respect their world view The meaning of your communication is the response you get The map is not the territory - people interact with their internal maps of the world rather than with pure, sensory-based, input. Positive self worth is always held constant. People are not their behaviours - behind every behaviour there is/was a positive intention. In any situation a person makes the best choice with the resources currently available to them In any interaction the person with the greatest behavioural flexibility has most influence on the outcome All human behaviour has a structure and results from how a person uses their representational systems NLP is a generative rather than a repair model - it emphasises solutions rather than analysis of causes People have all the resources they need even if they do not currently have access to these resources NLP is a model rather then a theory Mind and body are part of the one system: external behaviour is the result of internal behaviour Conscious mind capacity is very limited - supposedly to about 5-9 chunks of information Always add choices - never take them away There is a solution to every problem Redefine mistakes as feedback - so if what you are doing is not working do something else. If one human can do something then, potentially, anyone can.
These are the principles on which, ideally, your application of NLP rests. (source)
Neuro-Linguistic Programming: Applied Magick
by Brandy Williams
Seeing with the mind's eye and the physical eye are mutually exclusive processes.
In Neuro Linguistic Programming, accessing -- thinking -- is called downtime, and obersving with the senses is labelled uptime.
I run uptime as a meditation.
Putting the 'Neuro' back into NLP by Dr. Richard Bolstad
Edoardo Bisiach (1978) is an Italian researcher who studied people with specific localised damage to a specific area of the posterior parietal cortex associated with "paying attention visually". When this area of the cortex is damaged on one side, a very interesting result occurs. The person will fail to pay attention to objects seen on the affected side of their visual field. This becomes obvious if you ask them to describe all the objects in the room they are sitting in. If the affected side is the left, for example, when they look across the room, they will describe to you all objects on the right of the room, but ignore everything on the left. They will be able to confirm that those objects are there on the left, if asked about them, but will otherwise not report them (Kalat, 1988, p 197; Miller, 1995, p 33-34). Bisiach quickly discovered that this damage affected more than the person's current perception....
In the same way, the depressed person can be asked to remember an enjoyable event from a time before she or he was depressed. However, the visual memory of the events is run through the current state of the person’s brain, and is distorted just as their current experience is distorted. (source)
Prozac, the anti-depression drug, is being taken in such large quantities that it can now be found in Britain's drinking water.
Environmentalists are calling for an urgent investigation into the revelations, describing the build-up of the antidepressant as 'hidden mass medication'. The Environment Agency has revealed that Prozac is building up both in river systems and groundwater used for drinking supplies.
Eric Powell the creator of Goon is a self trained artist and hermit who lives in the Tennessee woods with his wife Robin and their two sons Gage and Cade. After he realized he could be a cartoonist without ever having to leave his house, he opted for the comic book industry rather than a lucrative career in the janitorial arts
Teachers claim that at least a dozen girls have taken ill under mysterious circumstances in the past two weeks, all fainting without a cause, only to wake up and start behaving like cats.via fark
Dolagobind, a remote hamlet in Orissa, has since been affected by so many incidents that necromancers have been called in to remove these so called evil spirits.
According to the teachers, all the affected girls are aged between eight to twelve. They were seen clawing their own faces and shrieking like felines.
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Researchers from the University of California, San Francisco created the prions, which are infectious self-producing protein structures associated with brain-wasting illnesses called transmissible spongiform encephalopathy diseases (TSEs)—illnesses that include scrapie, mad cow and Creutzfeldt-Jakob (CJD).
"Our study demonstrates that misfolding a particular segment of the normal prion protein is sufficient to transform the protein into infectious prions," says the study's lead author, UCSF neurology professor Giuseppe Legname.
She was controlled with form of Neuro-Linguistic Programming popular with Monarch slaves, which involved the use of themes from The Wizard of Oz, and various Disney children’s films. She was taught to go into another dimension “over the rainbow” whenever the pain of the abuse became to much to bear, and to identify with Cinderella when her father assigned her a strict daily regimen of household chores, which was part of her programming to break her in to slavery. The hallucinogenic and multi-dimensional themes of Alice in Wonderland were also quite extensively used. This was done, not just to Cathy, but to all her brothers and sisters as well, who were also being used in the program. As she writes in her book, “ My brother, now 37, remains psychologically locked into those traumatic childhood years and is obsessed with Disney themes and productions to this day. His house is decorated in Disney memorabilia, he wears Disney clothes, listens to my father’s instructions on a Disney telephone, and maintains “When You Wish Upon a Star” as his favorite song, which has locked his children into the same theme.” The Disney programming claim is one made by almost every “recovered” Monarch slave, although it’s difficult to determine whether these claims began to surface before or after the publication of Cathy’s book. For example, a number of them say that they were taken to Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma, where they were placed in electrified “Tinkerbelle” cages, and tortured into creating child alters that would, like Peter Pan, never grow up.via invisible college
The FBI has questioned at least two members of a Lawrence anarchist group since Monday, and has confirmed agents were here checking out a tip that a group planned to firebomb media vehicles at the Democratic National Convention in they weren't, that's one of those rivercitytalk assholes making life rough for the street kids because he's a bitter old fuck they're just fucking pissed about bush.
Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge, the man most responsible for waging America’s war on terrorism, complains to staff that he gets very little time with the President and gets most of his marching orders lately from Ashcroft. Some on Ridge’s staff gripe privately that Ashcroft is “Bush’s Himmler,” a reference to Heinrich Himmler, Chief of the SS (the German Police) under Adolph Hitler.
“Too many make the mistake of thinking Dick Cheney is the real power in the Bush administration,” says one senior Homeland Security aide. “They’re wrong. It’s Ashcroft and that is reason enough for all of us to be very, very afraid.”
While Vice President Cheney remains part of Bush’s tight, inner circle, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has fallen out of favor and tells his staff that “no matter what happens in November, I’m outta here.”
White House aides say the West Wing has been overtaken by a “siege mentality,” where phone calls and emails are monitored and everyone is under suspicion for “disloyalty to the crown.”
An Anarchist in the Hudson Valley.
A conversation with Peter Lamborn Wilson, better known as Hakim Bey (mentioned previously here,) the author of TAZ. [Via mefi.]