Monday, 31 May 2004
DrBpoaIc: tracks 2&3 uploaded
so far I've got the first three of an anticipated 33 track project completed, and a fourth track nearly finished.
Hopefully this album will simulate what an artificial intelligence gleans from the digital environment, a sort of hodge-podge representing what such a consciousness would parse from the place in which it found itself.
(hey no one said you had to listen to it)
Create Professional-Grade DVD and CD Packages with the Jewelboxing System.
slick. (I've got a long way to go before I need these, but still)
via sauceruney who just landed an sla blogging gig
Sunday, 30 May 2004
oh damn this is funny.
Man-made calamity the world is ignoring
The Boy of 14 Who Arranged His Own Murder in An Internet Chat Room
"No single event has ever more clearly shown the dangers of the Internet."
(yeah, let's use this as an excuse to stamp out decentralization)
Saturday, 29 May 2004
Thee Magickal Record ov Coyote 322
"This is a summary of the sex- and blood-magick i did while active in Thee Temple Ov Psychick Youth. In these records you will encounter my sexuality, desires, violence and fear -- be certain, before continuing, that you can take responsiblity for your own desires and fears, as well as for your own reactions to my magickal work."interesting, nested inside Thee Sigil Garden
more eyelid piercings have come out of the woodwork
He said it didn’t really bother him all that much — only when he woke in the morning did it irritate him. He took care of it like you would any other piercing, and soaked it in warm saline solution several times a day.there's pictures.
He still had it in about twenty days later, when, after a night of drinking, he stumbled and fell, and kind of caught it on a nail in a doorway!
Friday, 28 May 2004
citizen soldier
(I wish the guys would get around to hosting audio on their site so I could link to an mp3 to prove it)
anyway, for those in Lawrence Kansas... Citizen Soldier is going to be playing June 9th at the Bottleneck, opening for Truthcell & Mass St. Murder.
(flyers are probably up around town by now)
Artist detained for, well, art. | MeFi
more ...owning the equipment required to test for the presence of 'Frankenfood' will get you accused of 'terrorism.' You can be illegally detained by shadowy government agents, lose access to your home, work, and belongings...
Lawrence parking meters used to protest wars
"These handprints are the symbolic evidence of our complicity as Americans in the killing, torture and destruction being carried out by our government in Iraq and Afghanistan," said a sticker that explained the vandalism. "Wherever we go, whatever we touch, the blood on our collective hands is left. Our passive disregard in the face of these atrocities serves as a sign to our leaders to continue. Our silence is deadly."
(wasn't me, btw)
Thursday, 27 May 2004
imagery of John Santerineross
marie tipped me to this site
holy shit nice studio
Wednesday, 26 May 2004
U.S. Arrests Haitian Singer/Voodoo Priestess
Relatives of Annette Auguste, the woman in question, say she did nothing unlawful. They also accuse Marines of using excessive force, including killing her two pet dogs and arresting and handcuffing her 5 year old grandson...see here especially this:
Auguste left Brooklyn and went back to Haiti 10 years ago, after the return of Aristide to power, who had been ousted in a coup several years before that time.
Auguste's ties to Aristide are at the heart of the allegations that the Haitian interim government have made against her.
In addition to being a folk singer, she is a Voodoo priestess with a large following among poor Haitians in New York and Haiti.
At a press briefing on May 10, 2004, MIF CJTF Public Affairs officer Col. David Lapan reportedly said, in sum, when asked why such force was used to make this arrest, that in operations of this type it is necessary to use violence in order to show the individuals who are the objects of the operation that the MIF means business. Haitians who had any doubt as to the current status of Haitian sovereignty need no longer ask. The U.S. military, through Lt. Colonel David Lapan, have clearly implied that Haiti is under occupation, and wartime rules known only to U.S. officers. Although the curfew imposed on February 29, 2004 by the MIF has been lifted. By this action of May 10, 2004, it is reasonable to say, Haiti is under U.S. martial law while Ambassador Foley puts every word that comes out of U.S. puppet head, Mr. Latorture's month.just guessing, but that sounds like we're at war with haiti. wtf is going on??
Annette Auguste is an elderly Haitian woman recovering from recent surgery. She is a well-known artist, a political and cultural activist, a mother and grandmother, whose life has been dedicated to the Lavalas Movement for democracy and development in Haiti. As a well-respected Haitian elder and community leader, her house is a meeting ground, as is the normal Haitian custom, for people to come and eat, gather, share news and solidarity. The Haitian Constitution guarantees Haitian citizens the right, not to be arrested or terrorized without due cause, especially it outlines no arrest warrants may be excised between 6pm and 6 am at night.
Creek renamed in Burroughs' honor
To some it's a ditch, a tributary or a concrete tunnel. But the East Lawrence stream officially is now Burroughs Creek, in honor of famed Beat
author William S. Burroughs, who once lived nearby.
its official.. I live next to Burroughs Creek.
he's the guy who created a character named John Constantine.
here's the trailer for the movie
ain't dead yet.
nothing but this album would have fulfilled the promise of the last
you have never heard anything like this
Tuesday, 25 May 2004
Cannabinoids spell relief in colon inflammation
Max Planck researchers and collaborators from the University in Munich identify the body’s own cannabinoid receptor as a protective system against colon inflammationwell, it was the current issue
In the current issue of The Journal of Clinical Investigation (15 April 2004 ) a researcher team from the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry and from the Ludwig-Maximilans-University Munich were able to show that mutant mice lacking the cannabinoid receptor are much more prone to experimentally induced colon inflammation as compared to wild-type control mice. Moreover, colon muscle activities become uncontrolled after inflammation in these mutant mice. The treatment with cannabinoids was able to alleviate inflammation in wild-type animals. Thus, these results suggest that the endogenous cannabinoid system represents a promising therapeutic target for the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
this is bugging me...
deceptiondollar links live(you know, to help think)
************unrelated update:
found new toy:
*******************update for unrelated update
new toy confusing, will steal audio from this broadcast instead
To boost morale, soldiers celebrate Army's `warm and magical' side
As the party approached, many acknowledged that it was hard to feel good about what was going on in Iraq.oh shit not that! send in the warm and magical support commander!
"We do our best because that's what soldiers do, but with this war, with the dead and the prisoner abuse, it's hard not to be sad," said Capt. John Wilson, a military intelligence officer who graduated from the U.S. Military Academy in 1997...
Wilson spoke of the need for soldiers to have "increased cultural awareness in Iraq" for "more thinking and less shooting." He said it upset him that wounded soldiers have to fight the Army for decent benefits when they return with missing limbs. He also said he worried about a lack of equipment, such as protective plates for flak jackets.
Earlier, Wilson confessed he'd looked on the Internet to see what jobs civilian life might hold....
They listened as 3rd Corps Support Commander Gen. Vincent E. Boles acknowledged their disappointment over the prisoner-abuse cases.
"I know you feel bad," he said. "I feel good you feel bad."...
"He made it clear that a thinking soldier is preferable to a soldier who never questions," said Maj. David Allen, a 7th CSG staff logistics officer.
Wilson agreed. He said Boles gave him hope "that hating the war and wanting to help Iraqis doesn't put me at odds with the Army."
When Boles finished, the soldiers scooted tables off the parquet floor and peeled off their jackets. They jitterbugged and danced the salsa and cha-cha. They formed a conga line and snaked through the room, under multicolored lights. They laughed and cheered.
Tornado warning for Douglas County expires
As the brunt of the storm moved through Lawrence shortly after 8 p.m., about 760 residents of west-central Lawrence lost power when transmission equipment was struck by lightning. Crews were working to restore power to customers in an area roughly bounded on the west by Iowa Street, on the east by Mississippi Street, and between Sixth and Ninth streets.
Downed power lines were reported in the 1200 block of Pennsylvania Street and elsewhere across the city.
Earlier, a tornado was reported on the ground near Forbes Field south of Topeka. No damage was immediately reported, and the storm blew eastward toward Stull and Lecompton.
friend of mine lost power, had to take her some candles. (twas a dark & stormy night & all that rot..)
Stull's a creepy place, btw, even if the church has been torn down (in the middle of the night.. by the locals.. in secret.)
Monday, 24 May 2004
Sonho (Dream)
neil's a good guy. he probably wouldn't care. WB. inc, on the otherhand, are backstabbing morons using formulaic explotation techniques to insure no comic is left unfuckered.
(that's not just my opinion)
Owner of 41 cats to pay up to $12,000 for feline's transplant
Graham owns a tree-trimming business and had been saving for a new chipper and truck. But when he found out last year that his favorite cat had polycystic kidney disease and could die within two years, the decision on how to spend the money was easy.HERO
"I love this cat," Graham said. "The chipper and truck I have now won't fall apart, and they are just things. This is about life. You don't take a cat out to the country and put a bullet to his head, you care for them. And I consider Seemore my kitty from the Lord."
Already, Graham has spent $8,000 testing his other cats to find Seemore's donor. He found the donor in Inky, a 3-year-old gray Siamese.
He's also installing airtight doors in the upper floor of his home to protect Seemore from the other cats because he's going to have to take anti-rejection drugs for the rest of his life. (picture)
also: 9 lives or not, transplant is done for love
On Friday morning, Seemore Graham woke up for his kidney transplant in a foul mood.
The previous night was spent hooked to an IV that dripped type A blood into his body. He slept in a confined, sterile hospital. And at 7 a.m., a crowd of doctors and nurses arrived to prep him for surgery.
"He tried to bite me this morning because Seemore has an attitude," said Bruce Graham, Seemore's dad. "Seemore is stressed out about surgery. So I talked to him. I asked him if he slept well, told him he was a good boy, petted him and prayed for him."
Sunday, 23 May 2004
Raido Kaos ep available
Saturday, 22 May 2004
Fellow Officer
Step 2. Wait for law upholder to arrive at your door.
Step 3. Call police again because you are suspicious of the one at your door.
Step 4. Become infamous on a web site for your own blistering stupidity. very funny site all around
Yahoo! News - $132K of Grant to Combat Goth Returned
Almost half of a $273,000 grant awarded in 2002 to fight the Goth culture in Blue Springs has been returned because of a lack of interest — and the absence of a real problem. ..(never got imbedded in people's heads?)
"'It never happened because referring someone for looking, acting Goth is not a concept that ever got imbedded in people's heads,' project manager Allyce Ford said of the therapy proposal. "
Friday, 21 May 2004
Robocops ready for England fans
English football fans heading to Euro 2004 were warned today they face a force of hi-tech "robocops".
Portuguese police have spent £8 million on an armoury to crush hooliganism at the tournament and will have on standby a rapid-reaction force of specially trained riot officers....
Officers have been issued with latest-generation technology including 45 frequency jammers capable of disabling mobile phones to prevent gang leaders organising fights.
(imagine the chaos if the frequency jammers disrupted the cops own wavelength? or of the hooligans, having read the article, brought thier own emp device?)
a whiskey tango foxtrot moment
friend left this photo where I could see it, had to share.
and no, I have no clue where this came from
see boingboing
Thursday, 20 May 2004
New Scientist | Guide to the Quantum World | Taming the multiverse
"What is needed is a precise mathematical model of the multiverse," says Deutsch. And now he's made one.
The key to Deutsch's model sounds peculiar. He treats the multiverse as if it were a quantum computer. Quantum computers exploit the strangeness of quantum systems-their ability to be in many states at once-to do certain kinds of calculation at ludicrously high speed. For example, they could quickly search huge databases that would take an ordinary computer the lifetime of the Universe. Although the hardware is still at a very basic stage, the theory of how quantum computers process information is well advanced.
neat. I wrote more on this here
via cdc
on name change
this is what's possible right now in terms of genetic manipulation: in it the guy says
"The telomeres form protective ends of the chromosomes, since normal replication tends to cut of the outermost parts of the DNA strands. At each cell division some more of the telomeres is lost, but the enzyme telomerase rebuilds these, since that's the background, this article has a pretty hefty implication:
However, apparently the telomerases gradually loose their efficiency (or are less promoted by the cell) as it ages, and the telomeres gradually shortens. When they vanish, coding genome will begin to be lost and the cell dies. This is assumed to be one major cause of cell senescence and death, the so called Hayflick-limit on cell division. "
wherein it says :
"Telomerase is an enzyme that lengthens telomeres.
The researchers found that this program restores telomeres in cloned embryos regardless of the telomere length of donor cells."
so Telomerase is the fountain of youth.
Genetic Modifications
It is an interesting fact that most proposals of improving the human body in transhumanistic discussions are mainly based upon bionic and chemical enhancements, while overlooking the potential of genetic engineering. In part this may be due to the fact that most methods of changing the genome is most efficient only on very small groups of cells or in the embryo. This means that these methods will mainly work on our children, not on ourselves, something which has made many transhumanists turn to other methods. However, genetic engineering has obviously great potential to transform living beings, it is already an viable technology (unlike bionics) and gene therapy is advancing fast. Perhaps most important, and controversial, is the fact that this method will not only change a single individual, but also affect all of his/her/its offspring. This will give us the ability to once for all eliminate certain genes or add new ones.
In the following I will mainly deal with modifications which are possible according to what we know, and reasonable extrapolations of current technology.
upcoming reasons to party
May 20. Ascension Day (Christian) / Mjollnir (Norse) Day to celebrate the Hammer of Thor / Plane that will land in Shangri-La takes off. (Lost Horizon)
May 21. Buddha's Day (South Korea) / Happy 2433rd Birthday Plato.
May 22. Immigrant Day (Canada) / Heroes Day (Sri Lanka) / First Reported sighting of the Lock Ness Monster (1933) Whom some say is not a real living creature but is instead a shape shifting phantom that was released due to the activities of Alister Crowley at his Scottish home of Boleskine on the shores of Lock Ness. / First reported sighting of Mister Roger's Neighborhood 1967. Not even the wildest conspiracy buffs say Crowley had anything to do with that.
May 23. Feast Day of Hermes Trismagistus (Hermes the thrice blessed) patron of alchemists. / Penny Day (U.S.)
May 24. Victoria Day (Canada) / National Escargot Day (U.S.)
May 25. In 1977 the film Star Wars is released and as there are now more people in England saying they are Jedi than there are people saying they are Jewish, Buddhist or Sikh I guess that makes this a religious holiday. / Shavuot (Jewish) Starts at Sundown.
Do-It-Yourself Deity
Do-It-Yourself Deityvia mefi
What is God?
In an attempt to resolve any disagreement surrounding the meaning of the word "God", TPM has assembled a crack team of "metaphysical engineers" who have devised a new computer-modelling virtual environment in which to test the plausibility of different conceptions of God.
Here's how it works. You are invited to select from the list below the attributes which you believe God must have (or the attributes that a being deserving of the name God must have). Metaphysical engineers will then model this conception of God to check out its plausibility.
obliquely related: God of the Month Club
Slip Inside This House Lyrics
by Tommy Hall and Rocky Erickson
The Thirteenth Floor Elevators
Aldous Huxley a long time ago in The Perennial Philosophy alerted us to the fact that in all times and places, in all kinds of societies, human beings persist in making what, for want of a better term, we can call the mystical breakthrough. Whenever and wherever it happens, the experience is always the same: unio mystica, the mystical union. When people try to communicate the experience, it comes out in different ways: the concise paradoxes of the Tao Te Ching, the enigmatic guideposts of the I Ching, Buddha's gentle nudges (so often since distorted by misguided followers), the pregnant symbolism of the kaballah, the vast and engulfing cosmology of Hinduism, the ecstatic outpouring of the various Christian mystics, the side- and mind-splitting anecdotes of Sufism, and so on.this song is excellent, & it needs to be remade by, like, angelic beings or some other mystical force. maybe andy kaufman.
The most recent visible outburst of this kind happened in the 1960s. Beneath the gaudy psychedelic surface, something had happened, was happening. One place it happened was in Austin, Texas. The Thirteenth Floor Elevators, a garage band of little distinction other than the presence of an electric jug, suddenly began singing a song called "Slip Inside This House," by Roky Erickson (the lead singer) and Tommy Hall (the jug player).
Universal Church of Google
marie sent me a few links:
Expanding IM for fun, profit and Yahoo Beefs Up Messenger and Yahoo Mail to Add 100MB Storage to Compete with Google GMail
if google does go into the messenger biz, they've probably already looked over Seun Osewa's Advice for Google (Predicting the Google Messenger) blog entry
Review: Mountain Dream Tarot Deck
Wednesday, 19 May 2004
just having sex toys for sale in mississippi is a crime, even if you don't sell them
via unknown news: Group promotes masturbation to end Iraq war / Government seeks to squelch movement
(and it prevents cancer)
Andy Kaufman Returns
Sorry about faking my death. I always knew my biggest supporters would play along until it was the right time for me to return. Yesterday, being the 20th anniversary, was a long enough time to go away. No one has ever gone away that long before. I've been documenting my adventures for the last twenty years in journals and will be posting some of the best stories from here. Mostly though, I've just been practicing transcendental meditation throughout various parts of the world while working odd jobs and keeping a low profile.Andy Kaufman's Blogger Profile
hey, I'm just pointing it out.
Books by Erisians
Erisians? Really? "Capitalism for Kids"?? "Inflation-Proofing Your Investments"?? (I think some subgenii got in somehow)
not going to see TROY, & this is why
Euhemerization, or ignoring the gods all together at a time when we can simulate anything whatsoever in a theatre is irresponsible film making. TROY succeeded in removing the reason for conflict, thus making conflict appear inevitable.
in other words, it's propaganda, without the pagan draw
from a discordian who saw troy: THIS MOVIE BLEW GOAT NUTZ!!!!! Those fucking morons have just slighted me, and everyone I went to see the movie with. Homer is fucking spinning in his grave right now! 1st point of contention: No mention of SHE who started it all. They only said the names of 5 gods (the _only_ link to the law of Fives, aside from Achilles getting Capped by 5 arrows from Legolas....err, I mean Paris) Poseidon, Apollo, Zeus, Athena, and Ares.
crash worship
the most primal live performance I've ever
they don't seem to come through kansas though :(
Gandhi decides to turn down post
"I was always certain that if I ever found myself in the position that I am in today, that I would follow my inner voice," Mrs. Gandhi told Congress party members inside Parliament's cavernous central hall. "Today, that voice tells me I must humbly decline this post." ...
India's stock markets recovered from a two-day crash on news that Mrs. Gandhi would step aside for Mr. Singh. ...
"The nation will be saved from dishonor" by Mrs. Gandhi's decision, said Sushma Swaraj, the information minister in the Vajpayee government who had sworn to resign from Parliament rather than serve under Mrs. Gandhi.
Jyoti Basu, a senior communist leader, said Mrs. Gandhi's children, Rahul and Priyanka, had asked her to step aside over fears she would be assassinated.
Tuesday, 18 May 2004
Flash Back (loud, possibly nsfw)
also, this live action/clay animation video is pretty cool
both via
& if you're extremely bored, there's always the online ouija board
more socionics
at the bottom there's more detailed information about
the roles that all the 'quadrants' play.
(I'll be getting back to this post with more)
Monday, 17 May 2004
just thought you should know
also, light blogging tonight, just got in the ARC of Trash Sex Magic by Jennifer Stevenson to review
I have found a person may determine their shadow medicine through a variety of paths, yet one of the easiest methods I have found, is to think of that animal which is the most frightening to me.
For some people, this may be a spider, others a lion, yet others still a wolf or a snake .... This is not always a fool proof path for discovering the animal shadow medicine and it is wise in any event to spend some time going within yourself and getting acquainted with thse animal spirits ....
To feel the presents of the shadow animal, I speak their name silent to myself, this will often give to me the feeling of the shadow animal that is present.
this is *oh yeah* exactly what I've been experiencing. I'm finally at peace with spider (though I got some stories)
Sunday, 16 May 2004
toldya so
my advice is don't piss off the loa when you haven't got any god stronger than a dollar on your side
Saturday, 15 May 2004
Ochosi, The Divine Hunter
part of the orisha pantheon
To many, Ochosi represents those who work for the law enforcement and law makers in the new world. His home besides the forest are the jails. Therefore, many put Ochosi as the divine tracker with the police because they track down lawbreakers and place them in jails.... Ochosi shows us the fastest path to our destiny. source
a great resource here has an illustration of Ochosi, along with a number of other orishas
Messing with Haiti is what got JFK killed, & it was done with voodoo (so claimed my last sociology professor) & I believe the scandal erupting within this administration is a direct result of US involvement in Haiti & messing with cuba.. hell in cuba the houngans have line-of-site targeting on gitmo. Sure that may sound wierd, but look at today's orisha, compare it to the headlines in every newspaper in the world, and tell me there isn't a connection.
David Chalmers
right now I'm reading through his paper Perception and the Fall from Eden
halfway through this paper & it helps bring into focus the story "Hob's Hog" (Voice of the Fire by Alan Moore)
videodrome links
gonna gitmo' done
gonna gitmo done is available
Friday, 14 May 2004
:: Douglas Rushkoff - Weblog ::
Investing one's time an energy into a single corporation isn't necessarily less creative - but it is, ironically, less secure. Corporations just let people go. They give severance and all, but then it's over - and all you can say is what you did for that company. You don't have things out there with your own name on them. And because all of your income came from that single source, once it's gone - it's gone. You are back on the street.(through the darkness of future past this all will make more sense)
NPR's New Religions Survey, Part IV: Teens and Wicca
...Bradley Hagerty looks at the popularity of Wicca, or witchcraft, among young people. Teens seem to be drawn to Wicca, among other reasons, because it can be tailored to the individual's needs. Some of the teens' parents are Wiccans themselves. But other parents are alarmed.
not a bad radio broadcast all things considered. *koff*
Socion is a group of 16 or more people where all 16 types are present. This group is a complete mechanism of social development. Any idea born within the Socion receives the most full and complete development and realisation until the moment it dies where it then gives birth to many other ideas.(socionics isn't quite MBTI & it's all a little confusing)
videodrome (1983) aka zonekiller
(also here)
david cronenberg is the strangest guy making film, with david lynch & von trier close runners-up.
none of the sound files work. frustrating. gonna have to rent the flick, pull the sound off myself the old fashioned way with wires & things
also: NSFW faqs & manuals
important dates to keep in mind
May 23 5/23. Also, Dewey's first birthday.
June 8 first transit of venus since 1882
Transits of Venus across the disk of the Sun are among the rarest of planetary alignments. Indeed, only six such events have occurred since the invention of the telescope (1631, 1639, 1761, 1769, 1874 and 1882). The next two transits of Venus will occur on 2004 June 08 and 2012 June 06. (source)
Thursday, 13 May 2004
sauceruney | A few of my favorite things
*****update is amazing. & apparently local-ish - though that's something of a granfalloon in this post-geographic cultural ideosphere here
Leonard Nimoy | The Shekhina Project
"At the heart of it all is the fact that I was trying to really completely enter into the world of the feminine," says Nimoy, 73. "I didn't want to do misty, cloudy figures. I didn't want to shroud her. I wanted to make her flesh and blood, and I wanted to make her definitively female."
It's an idea that was planted with Nimoy when he was about 8, although he didn't fully realize it until a few years ago. During a segment of high holiday services at his Orthodox synagogue in Boston, members of the congregation stood before the assembly to deliver a special blessing. Standing with his brother, father and grandfather, Nimoy was told not to look at the men as they chanted the prayer.
But he took a peek, and saw the men swaying with their arms outstretched and their hands splayed in the manner he would later use as the Vulcan greeting in his "Star Trek" role. The hand symbol represents the first letter of a Hebrew word for God....
For decades, Nimoy didn't know why the congregation was not supposed to look as the blessing was being given. A few years ago, he finally asked the rabbi at Temple Israel of Hollywood, the reform synagogue he now attends.
"There's a legend that the Shekhina - the feminine aspect of God - comes in to bless the congregation," Nimoy said. "But the light from the Shekhina could be overwhelming and you could not survive it, so you shouldn't look. I was taken by that when I heard the explaination." (source)
earlier today a friend suggested Rumsfailed as a title of a song. we joked about how just saying "Rumsfailed" shot the idea out into the akashic record. actually, judging from this photo, it looks like we were picking it up out of the akashic record instead.
Tennis champ rallies against meat dangers
A quart of whiskey, a pack of cigarettes and a cube of LSD is better for you than eating one piece of meat, a doctor once told Peter Burwash
personally I don't eat critter. y'all can eat critter if you want to, but if I eat it I get violently ill (as in projectile)
& milk's just sick. you know what's in that shit?? in kansas there's 476,000,000 pus cells per liter of milk.
i do like a good cheese though, esp. feta
Wednesday, 12 May 2004 | Mexican DoD Acknowledges UFOs In Mexico
But the most insolit thing was that even that there were eleven unknown objects close to them still the crew could'nt see them, no visual contact with the unknowns was posible for some reason never experienced before by these high trained men. However the high tech sophisticated equipment and sensors were not lying, there were eleven targets outside them with unpredictable intentions.includes stills from the footage shown at the press conference yesterday - this is kinda trippy.
ya know, just about the only thing that would mediawash them abuse photos would be open acknowledgement of ET
that'd be something
On the road | (Iain Sinclair)
"You can't understand Thatcher," says Sinclair, "except in terms of bad magic. This wicked witch who focuses all the ill will in society. I can't understand her except as demonically possessed by the evil forces of world politics. Everything else follows from that: oil revenues blown in dubious arms deals, all real values trashed. She becomes a godhead to those who want to destroy the city's power. But the godhead is created for a system which destroys her, as always happens. Now she's been banished to a kingdom of whisky and mockery. But the fact remains that she introduced occultism into British politics and that the role of the writer was to counter that political culture."
"...There's this frightening sense that I must have some weird brand image as the London psychogeographer."
Psychogeography is a talismanic term that Sinclair understands to have been cannibalised from French situationism. "For me, it's a way of psychoanalysing the psychosis of the place in which I happen to live. I'm just exploiting it because I think it's a canny way to write about London. Now it's become the name of a column by Will Self, in which he seems to walk the South Downs with a pipe, which has got absolutely nothing to do with psychogeography. There's this awful sense that you've created a monster."
As he walked, Sinclair found his literary allies inscribing "editorials of madness" on the walls. He wrote: "As newspapers have atrophied into the playthings of grotesque megalomaniacs, uselessly shrill exercises in mind-control, so disenfranchised authors have been forced to adapt the walls to playful collages of argument and invective." He transcribed these collages into the book and found they had mythical resonances, "thus proving that graffiti has a half-life far in excess of the buildings on which they have been painted. Broken sentences and forgotten names wink like fossils among the ruins."
Tuesday, 11 May 2004
kinda disturbing, even if I do have a good idea how he did it
Siberian Mystic To Purge Russian Parliament Of Evil
The last time the building was ritually cleansed was in 1994 when it was cleansed by the Orthodox Church. Clergymen blessed the parliament building in 'an act of purification.'
This time around however, the MP's wanted to try an alternate therapy in the hopes it will last longer.
& It's only like
(the didjeridoo used was pvc with a beeswax mouthpiece... here's a page on making your own, & the tones or frequency that the different lengths produce)
hosts for pictures and sounds
I'm toying with a couple of free hosts - for photos and to host the audio sculptures...
Monday, 10 May 2004 - rabbi haywire
42012 is what happens when rivetheads, cyberpunks, space pirates, gods, mutants, and various other apocalypse nutters decide to hit the streets. We have so many silly names for ourselves these days, yet we've all got this crazy thing in common. We've left the human race: gone outside of it, gone beyond it...interesting... post-cultural elist?
ran across this by backing up from's mp3 host
PRESS RELEASE: The Jesus Nebula - Hubble Space Telescope Images the Face of Jesus Christ
James Turley, Managing Editor of Sky Image Lab, a publisher of scientific astronomy images from the great astronomical observatories, was puzzled by the sudden surge of orders for a Hubble Space Telescope image called the Cone Nebula.via posthumanblues
"I was curious when we took an order for over 100 Cone Nebula images. The customer told us to look for the face of Jesus Christ embedded in the pillars. She called the Hubble image the 'Jesus Nebula'. Being scientists, we were skeptical, at first. " says Mr. Turley.
Andy Kaufman - Dead or Alive? | Metafilter
Will Andy Kaufman return from the dead?andy. tony. the world needs ya both
The bizarre, wonderful, and sometimes off-putting Andy Kaufman had said if he were going to fake his own death, he would return 20 years later, to the day. That would be next Sunday-- May 16, 2004.source - Man found dead in burning car at cemetery
R.V. Davis, 78, had been sitting in the car while his wife, Joy, visited the grave. Joy Davis went back to the car and saw the fire after hearing her husband yelling, but neither she nor a bystander could get him out of the vehicle, said Sgt. Robert D. Rawlinson, a spokesman for the Pine Bluff Police Department.cue spooky music
Joy Davis told police her husband had stayed in the car because he was in poor health and couldn't get out without assistance.
Police did not know what caused the fire.
I'm going to do some collecting on spontaneous human combustion I think, not that I believe this is a case, just that it's been a long time since I've dug into it... I still haven't seen the movie come to think of it
overhauled and revamped and profiled...
Anyway, this is the first post since I revamped this site to the new blogger features - & the other blogging sites are probably going to be left alone since tweaking html is not what I intended to do this evening... mainly I wanted to see if I got the comments working
and mention that my spidey-sense says may 15th is important, & my bank sent me a reminder that may 23rd is coming..
may 15th is a day of judgement for this admin, & may 23 probably a day of fall-out.
incidentally, the building that's going to be opened on july 4th is 1776 feet tall.
Saturday, 8 May 2004
on the prison..
(probably some sort of masonic secret/psychogeographical theorem)
even if you destroy the builders, and the culture, eventually the structure will call back to itself the things that want to happen until it is destroyed and/or replaced... maybe the spaces are haunted, maybe it's a form of genius loci, or dragon currents or something. Maybe it's simply builder's intent made manifest
Friday, 7 May 2004
Rumsfeld - on sentate
Telegraph | News | Jail for man who left bag in airport
A plumber who left an unattended bag containing a teddy bear, some fruit and clothes in an airport lounge was jailed yesterday for causing a full-scale security alert.... It is thought to be the first time a jail term has been passed for what was an unwitting, albeit costly, act.
Lovers queue for nipple tickling in Cartagena
The sculpture, located in the city of Cartagena, is of a curvaceous woman who locals have named Getrudis.
They believe that Getrudis will bless them with long and happy relationships if they touch her nipples.
janet's tit
if you thought it was hard explaining nipple piercing to five year old kid, try explaining naked men entangled at the prodding of female officers. go on.
DNA robot takes its first steps
A microscopic biped with legs just 10 nanometres long and fashioned from fragments of DNA has taken its first steps.
eBay item 4166713135 (Ends May-12-04 13:07:47 PDT) - A Very Weird Object that Fell from Space =)[](=
Seller information
golfyx( 235)
Feedback Score: 235
Thursday, 6 May 2004
Store owner dresses Bush in 'armor of God'
Even before anyone knew President George W. Bush was coming to town, one store owner had created a unique tribute to the man.
Visitors to Color Me Christian bookstore at Front and Main streets can see a life-size cardboard cutout of Bush attired in the full "armor of God," wearing "the helmet of salvation," the "breast plate of righteousness," and "the belt of truth" while carrying "the shield of faith" and "the sword of the spirit."...
Hankins said Bush's visit is a sign that "the favor of God" is on the local community.
Mashin of The Christ | Metafilter
in the words of henry miller: do I contradict myself? very well then, I contradict myself.
Wednesday, 5 May 2004
interview - hakim bey & ira cohen remember ganesh baba
I.C. Most of his teachings were oral, delivered very naturally and punctuated with a fine humour. But there are texts that I've been copying down, one even dictated by him. Usually talking about yoga, sitting straight, meditating... He was also a student of Shivananda. As a Jungian, he was trying to relate the archetypal thinking to the Indian system and particularly to yoga.
H.B. I learned some primary things from him outside of the chillum like how to adopt a proper Indian dress as a white guy, how to pick garments that don't associate with any caste. He would suggest you to wear castless garments, otherwise you would get no respect. In other words he cured me of being a sloppy hippie. He gave good advice. He also introduced me to my tantric guru, Mr. Biswas, a Bengali clerk who had a family tradition worshipping the Hindu Tara who is an aspect of Kali. He used to drink Brandy with him as part of his tantric course. He also introduced me to some interesting Tibetans.
I.C. He had a good feeling about Tibetans but of course he could rant on about anything. He was found of ranting and babbling and he referred to his talking as Baba babbles.
H.B. We were walking down the streets in Darjeeling and he was always carrying an umbrella. Suddenly he was missing from my side, he was running down the street beating some guy on the head with his umbrella. Everyone in the market had a good laugh at this little scene and when he joined me I said . "What was wrong with that fellow ?" And he said : "Oh, I didn't like his looks." (laughter)
I.C. He could get into a lot of political problems and could even get arrested. One time, he ended up in jail and charmed all the jail keepers. As Ganesh he was supposed to be the lord of obstacles but he was creating obstacles as well...
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"A single RAID system can be configured to support on Spectel 700/780 Platform on one of the system's backplane segments or two Spectel 700/780 Platforms on each of the system's two backplane segments." - Spectel 700/780 Platform Version 3.1
(keeping it real)
Lygia Pape - R.I.P.
Pape's early works included two Neoconcrete ballets and her book/sculptures "The Book of Creation," and "The Book of Architecture. Her ballets set geometric dance forms to experimental music. Her books doubled as sculptures that could be manipulated by the viewer.
Over time, Pape, who was also a printmaker, explored a variety of styles.
Her 1968 work "The Egg" was formed by three enormous cubes and required the spectator to break through the sides as if they were hatching from an egg.
Another work, "Circle of Pleasures," invited the viewer to drink liquids from various colored bowls - some tasting pleasant and others horrible.
A recent installation, entitled "Carindiru," featured a waterfall of red liquid representing the blood of the 111 prisoners killed in a 1992 police massacre in the prison of the same name.
"Lygia Pape's work represents the permanent desire, often realized, of constant transformation," said Rio de Janeiro gallery owner Jean Borghici, who represented the artist.
Entertainment News - The cruel and crazy world of Lars von Trier
In The Idiots, he told the story of a cult leader who obliged his followers to take part in orgies and wander around small towns pretending to have Down's syndrome - a situation that was mirrored, inevitably, in the production of the see any of "The Kingdom" you'll know why this guy's off-kilter. the assesment of bjork is interesting..
In Dancer in the Dark, his Palme d'Or-winning musical, he subjected Bjork to such intense pressure that she went Awol from the shoot.
In Dogville, he cast Kidman as a young woman who takes refuge in a small Colorado town where, after having first been taken care of by the inhabitants, she is soon reduced to the condition of slavery.
"You can take quite sexist film directors like Woody Allen or Stanley Kubrick and still they are the one that provide the soul to their movies. In Lars von Trier's case it is not so and he knows it. He needs a female to provide his work soul, and he envies them and hates them for it. So he has to destroy them during the filming, and hide the evidence."
his work is unflinching, and that's why it is so disturbing. the camera doesn't flinch, and the image remains, & trier's cold enough to let it occur.
The New York Times > National > Disney Forbidding Distribution of Film That Criticizes Bush
"Should this be happening in a free and open society where the monied interests essentially call the shots regarding the information that the public is allowed to see?"
Tuesday, 4 May 2004
the end of the world
you're gonna be spending a lot of time on the toilet, so here's the books you need to stay culturally aware of the influences leading up to this crisis.
Mind you, I haven;'t finished GR, FW/U or Dhalgren (but I'm stockpiling them)
john titor on google
Mike Kolesnik
Registered: Nov 2000
Posts: 20
Does anybody remember the Wave Rider?
The wave rider spun a similar yarn and reeled Art in, hook, line and sinker. Then Art had him on the show. He started off ok but quickly went downhill into the Wacko Zone. After he told Art that Marilyn Monore is not only alive but that she shot JFK there was a LONG silence from Art. I could hear the gears turning in Art's head as he finally realized that he had been suckered.
It was the most glorious moment of silence!
Art recovered and proceeded to blast him.
Now, Back to "John". Some items, John.
If I traveled back in time I would absolutely want to know the history of the period and location. Since you have revealed yourself you have obviously been trying to convince people of you credibility. So since you had fore knowledge of your intentions you should have been ABSOLUTELY sure of having easy-to-verify NEAR future history. Showing crappy pictures of dollar bills from the future is child's play.
Anybody with a $500 computer can do that. You sound like one of those religious cult nuts whose story keeps changing.
The "temporal divergence" you mention makes it an easy answer for every probing question. " Well, because of the temporal divergence, the whole world just changed, THAT's why none of my predictions come true.
There is a medical term for people like you.
Look it up!
1. So General Electric makes your TT machine. Well if that's the case then being masters of mass production they should have made millions of them because EVERYONE would want one.
2. If the machine does exist we should be FLOODED with TTer's right now!
3. CJD That story has been know since the late 1940's. No great news there.
4. Middle east problems? That's a no brainer.
You are spitting out the same things Ed Dames did.
None of his predictions came true either...
01-30-2001 07:58 PM Profile My Posts Edit IP: Logged
Kevin Spooner
Registered: Jan 2001
Posts: 19
Galvanisation is something occasionally found on a packet of building-grade nails (like 'galvanised flathead') But with the lack of tangible evidence I'm thinking of shifting my belief in just what (or who) should be termed galvanised?
I have not seen a constructively frameworked document outlining required ethics which any trained TT would of necessity agree to. I have not seen a TT willing to forward a single piece of physical time travel device to this particular technician since first posting anything over five years ago. I have not heard of any governing declaration of use for TT devices from the future.
I have seen 'interesting' crude pictures, photo's of items with curly cords and really pre-1990 style equipment with perchance a few common dials, needles, and circuits in probably arc-welded metal boxes. I have seen diagrams, descriptions, interpretations, crude 'make your own' manuals, and the like - and yet nothing, not one iota of anything that could without question come from some future.
I am not p***ed off - not yet. I am calm (breathe man breathe!) and wait in anticipation of some correct answers to some simple questions and for goodness sake... some undoubtable proof. Then - only then - would constructive discussion really begin.
01-31-2001 02:14 AM Profile Email Home My Posts Edit IP: Logged
John Titor
Registered: Jan 2001
Posts: 78
I’m not aware of any predictions I made or perhaps we do not agree on the definition. What anyone chooses to do based on something I might say will not affect me in the least. My goal is not to believed and I submit that your life would not be any better (and perhaps worse) if you did believe me. You placed “tests” before me that I must pass. Why? What do I have to gain by passing them?
The fact is there is nothing I can say or show you or let you drop hydrochloric acid on that will “make” you believe me and I really don’t want that. It would be nice to discuss your view on religion, politics, physics and the mechanical requirements of time travel but in order to engage in those types of conversations, I must apparently tell you who wins the hockey game next week. I’m just guessing that if were to write out the ten lines for Fermat’s final proof you wouldn’t be very impressed either.
(1) Industrialized mass production does not produce the uncountable tonnage of useless consumer items so gleefully absorbed by your society. I would estimate there are about 10 units like mine (C204) and twenty larger units (C206). The main difference is the sensitivity and number of the main Cesium clocks. I would estimate that some sort of public time travel will be common around 2045.
(2) I’m not aware of any other time traveler’s “here” now. But if they are here, I’m sure they’re pouring over sports history books so they can go back in time another week and start a friendly conversation on the web.
(3) The “Mad Cow” story here is yet to begin but don’t worry, the fruited jellitine deserts are safe.
(4) I’m glad to see it’s so easy for to dismiss the Middle East. Yes, I suppose it is a no brainer but pretty soon it will be a “no arrmer” and a “no legger”.
Ethics is an excellent topic of discussion and I hope we can move past a collective insistence of applying everything to this frame of reference.
John Titor
Registered: Jan 2001
Posts: 78
The distortion unit reaches its target destination by using very sensitive gravity sensors and atomic clocks. The basic unit of calculation is the second. So yes, in a sense you do “dial in” in a date and the computer system controls the distortion field. At maximum power, the unit I have is capable of traveling about 10 years an hour.
Unfortunately, time travel is not an exact science. There is inherent error and chaos in the computers ability to make accurate calculations. Based on the current technology of the clocks and sensors, distortion units are only accurate to about 60 years or so. So no, in 2036, we are unable to travel back 1000 years due to the error rate in the system. The divergence between the worldline of origin and the target worldline would be too great. If one were to try and travel back that far, history would look nothing like what you would expect.
The unit has mass limits but the 204 is capable of transporting about three people and equipment. I don’t think you would like 2036 very much.
Saints Feast Days: ( partial list)
JANUARY- 6-7 & 8 - Feast Days of Jasper, Balthazar & Melchior.( For obtaining gifts & prosperity.) 17 - Ogun.( For work, opportunities, protection from accidents and firearms.)via technoccult
FEBRUARY - 2 - Oya. Mistress of the Cemetery.( For change, readying for battle, protection from winds.)
MARCH - 19 - Osanyin (Deciduous vegetation, for healing and nourishmnt from Nature) 25 - Oshun - Our Lady of Charity. For love, abundance, charity, passion, creativity.( See also September)
APRIL - 22 - Earth Day - All Loa and Orisha (For renewing one¹s vows to make one¹s life sacred and in harmony with the whole Creation)
MAY - 15 - Ochosi - The Divine Hunter -(For justice, court cases, re-establishing balance and universal harmony)
JUNE - 21-23 - Summer Solstice - Legba - St John's Eve - John the Conqueror ( To celebrate the summer, the warmth, fire and nourishment from the Sun. For opportunities, good luck and to re-align oneself with cosmic forces)
AUGUST - 2 - Black Madonna - Virgin of the Angels. For solace, protection, fertility, to give up one's sorrows and for protection of mothers and children.)
SEPTEMBER - 7 - Yemaya ( For apaesement of sorrows, abundance, love and fertility, protection of the home) 8 - Oshun -Our Lady of Charity ( For love, abundance, charity, passion, creativity, the Arts.( See also March) 24 - Obatala - Our Lady of Mercy. (For universal peace and harmony)
OCTOBER - 4 - Orunmila (For divination, psychic powers, prophetic knowledge) 24- Erinle (For healing all ) 31- Halloween ( to make hallowed before the rites of the Ancestors - to dispel evil forces through disguise and subterfuge)
NOVEMBER - 1 - Day of the Dead - Baron Samedi - Maman Brigitte -Ghede ( Rites to the Ancestors according to your own familial or ethnic tradition) 3 - St Martin de Porres ( For healing and for those who have made healing professions their chosen path)
DECEMBER - 4 - Xango (For vitality, health, courage, victory in battles, to repel enemies and negative works and evil spells) 12 - Our Lady of Guadelupe (For miracles, for abundance, solace in times of trials and troubles, healing and for strengthening one's faith) 17 - Babalu-Aye ( For healing, particularly skin ailmnts, for abundance) 21-25- Winter Solstice - Christmas - Ellegua - El Nino de Atocha - Infant Jesus of Prague. (To celebrate the coming return of the sun, to prepare for the winter months and their unseen transformation which will lead to new birth in springtime, to re-align oneself with the cosmic forces. Birth of Jesus celebration 31 - Yemaya - La Madre de Agua. ( For protection of mothers and children, for fertility and abundance , To usher a new year of compassion and well-being and wealth in all things.)
Help Wanted
recently i mentioned i needed some help. being a chaos magician, and a self-reliant one at that, when i need help its usually for other people - anyway i need five people to destroy cds for me. i'll pay you. I'll send you the CD to burn, paper to start a fire, and I'll pay you.
Using vocal tracks from t. mckenna, j. matheny, hakim bey, r.a.wilson, w.s. burroughs, art bell, and sunfire in hawaii, along with d. cross, a. ginsberg, and c. bukowski, I created unlistenable noise sculpted from a very limited understanding of audacity 1.2 and an even shakier concept of copyright law. Furthermore, the subject matter and the harmonics produced by these mixes might unquiet the mind of any listener, and I'm definately not selling any copies. I'm asking for five people to volunteer their snail mail address (po box is all good) so I can send the CD to be destroyed, along with fuel for the fire.
this is your chance to help me destroy some not-art
(I will ship internationally, but it'll take forever)
the self as metaprogrammer
(I said it a few times and I think x got it)
Super-Sensor Double Kit
"Next to the Super-sensor II this is THE NEXT MOST VERSATILE ROD EVER DEVELOPED..."
Monday, 3 May 2004
specialist draft, either sex, up to age 34
The Selective Service System's chief has proposed registering women for the military draft and requiring that young Americans regularly inform the government about whether they have training in niche specialties the armed services need.via memory hole blog
The proposal, which the agency's acting director, Lewis Brodsky, presented to senior Pentagon officials just before the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, also seeks to extend the age of draft registration to 34 years old, up from 25.
One man's poison is another man's cure
Nowadays 200 snake venom proteins are known, though only a few have gained broad acceptance and are used in biomedical science.
Evidence suggests that their action in blocking the formation of blood vessels used by tumours might be significant for cancer research.
Snake venoms contain properties that affect nerve growth, and some components of the poisons appear to have an anti-viral effect. Scientists are still baffled as to why this should be so.
well, we know what roger altman's poison is (as opposed to tony blair)
N.B. patient dies of flesh-eating disease
St. Joseph's Hospital in Saint John, N.B. is dealing with a suspected outbreak of flesh-eating disease. A 37-year-old woman has died, another patient is in serious condition and five others are under observation.
The two patients known to have contracted Necrotizing fasciitis [GIS] (or flesh eating disease) both underwent surgery at St. Joseph's last week - one on April 26, the other on April 27.
Sunday, 2 May 2004
Saturday, 1 May 2004
reality cracking
W. W. Atkinson
Mental Concentration, in practice, consists of focusing the mind upon a given subject, or object, firmly and fixedly, and then holding it there for a certain time, fully intent upon its object, and not allowing itself to be diverted or attracted from its object. It likewise consists in the correlative power of then detaching the mind from that subject, or object, and either allowing it to rest, or else focusing it upon another object. In other words, it either gives undivided attention or else inhibits (or "shuts off") attention from the given subject or object.
William Blake
The ancient Poets animated all sensible objects with Gods or Geniuses, calling them by names & adorning them with the properties of woods, rivers, mountains, lakes, cities, nations, & whatever their enlarged & numerous senses could perceive. And particularly they studied the genius of each city & country, placing it under its mental deity; Til a system was formed, which some took advantage of, & enslaved the vulgar by attempting to realize or abstract the mental deities from their objects: thus began Priesthood; Choosing forms of worship from poetic tales.
And at length they pronounc’d that the Gods had order’d such things. Thus men forgot that All deities reside in the human breast.
*grrr* I wish I could afford all the John Crowley books. Aegypt, Love & Sleep, are out of my reach (plus I don't have a credit card) and I read a good 2/3rd of Daemonomania before deciding that I wanted to read the series in order (ha! fatchance) and using a rare encounter with online financial interactions actually purchased & downloaded Aegypt, only to have the file wiped from the computer due to inebriated blanket restructuring of the entire harddrive by my girlfriend at the time.. tottally turning me off the entire digital purchasing of data entirely.
Why is it so hard for a publishing company to put a couple of paperback editions of previous novels in a series when the latest comes out in hardback? Whiskey tango foxtrot indeed.. where this is leading is the incredible correlation between Bruno & the art of memory, ancient alchemy, and the art of reality cracking.
more coming (links & shit)
03/22/04 - Hypergraphia
03/22/04 - Hypergraphia: "She relates a tale told by neurologist Oliver Sacks. He had a ward full of aphasic patients listening to President Reagan on television. They could not fully understand him but they remained particularly sensitive to the tone and inflections, 'which they found farcical.'
A patient with a right brain lesion who was also present, and who could not judge tone or emotion, could comprehend the president's actual words, which she found ridiculous.
Sacks concluded that it took a 'fully working brain to be deluded by politicians.' It's more than just funny; it's been studied and proven to some extent in the lab. Let it serve as a cautionary tale this election year."
Hello and welcome to the seventh issue of SMILE, an international magazine devoted to the concrete adjustment of physical reality. The eighth issue of SMILE (available from Karen Eliot) contained a devastating critique of the Neoist Cultural ..., a critique so persuasive that it invalidated the last remnants of the once important Neoist movement. Because this issue of SMILE is directly conerned with Neoists and Neoism, we have chosen to give it the issue number 7. Our hope is that we will be remembered for our complex understanding of chronological practice and as having accepted the destruction of our movement from this obscure temporal angle. We will continue to be chronologically faithful to events 'as they occur,' and we are fully aware that this process will be of great help to future historians who will catalog Neoism along with all other impotent 'currents' of the century and perhaps those to come. This is our SMILE.inside I found this gem:
To attack something is to justify stuff
Revolt ends here. Beyond Distopia: Text and Anti Text